CTLGFVER $VER: Ankhrapt.ct 1.0 (25.6.98) english Can't open dos.library v39!!! Can't open screen!!! Can't open window!!! Can't alloc bitmap!!! Can't open xenpl.font 8!!! 3Can' load Data1 file from ProgDir: and Ankhrapt_2: Can't make additional task!!! 3Can' load Data2 file from ProgDir: and Ankhrapt_2: No enought memory!!! FYou don't have enought cash or ores, change ship, weapon or cancel!!! FYou don't have any ship factory on this planet!!! FSelect building which you want build on this planet FYou can't build on foreign planets FSelect planet which you want make your colony FMust have 600 people, 100 units of first 4 ores and 100 cash to do it FYou don't have enought money to buy this building hostile indiffer. friendly primitive low tech. hi tech. advanced Clean the slot Electric gun Foton gun Plasma gun Cost 0 Cost of gun 200/500 Cost of gun 250/650 Cost of gun 400/900 Offessive xxx Defensive xxx Iron Lead Cost Earthlings Sytarians Erloors Dubelts Datts Tainians Szylks Gerans Wenerons Arbolows All No owner Unufit Unknown Power plant Nuclear plant Living quarters 1 Living quaters 2 Living quarters 3 Mine 1 Mine 2 Silo 1 Silo 2 Hospital Food farm Sport complex Observatory University Ship factory Hunter War Galeon Avenger Ships Planets Disk & Prefs Main Back New Dissolve Move Attack planet Transfer Main New colony New building Send satellite Main screen New game Load game Save game Quit game !Power station power xxxxx !All power stations capacityxxxxx !Demand power xxxxx !Demand covered in xxxxx% !Living quarters capacity xxxxx !All liv. quarters capacity xxxxx !People in colony xxxxx !Mine : extract & storehouse !Iron !Titan !Lead !Silo capacity xxxxx !All silos capacity xxxxx !Weight of ores !Hospital capacity xxxxx !All hospitals capacity xxxxx !Food farm for xxxxx !All food farms capacity xxxxx !Sport complex capacity xxxxx !All sport compl. capacity xxxxx !Observatory xxxxx !Looking for new planets. !University xxxxx !All universities capacity xxxxx !People educated xxxxx !Technology: advanced !Factory !Now building : Avanger !Materials : O.K !Fund : O.K Mercure Venus Earth Jupiter Uranus Neptune Pluto Race: Disposition : Technology : Export : Planet: Offensive power: Defensive power: Force of jThis screen will be used to setup prefs, load and save or restart game. jNow you can only use menu (press right mouse button) to change screen or quit. jHere you can use menu to change screen to: Ships screen to build-up your fleet, jPlanets screen to build-up or make a new colony or Disk screen to quit. jHere you will manage fleets: make new, dissolve, or move fleet, or change screen to battle or trade j(ores, settlers, projects, ships...). Now you can buy a ship using 'Buy' button. jYou change ship by arrow, weapon by wheel under ship, you set weapon to ship by click on suited area on jdrawing of ship. You buy it by click on 'yes' or cancel by 'no' on right side of ship. jRed item on list mean that you don't have enought this ore or cash. Ores are extracted by mines, if you jwant have it faster, you can buy mine. Ores are stored in silos if you don't have enought place - buy it. jHere you can buy building to your colony and make a new colony (use menu). Click on building to see jinformation about planet. If item is red it mean that you must buy more buildings of this kind. jTo buy building you should click on suited item in list. To buy more you must repeat it again and again. jI will fix it in final version. jTo make a new colony you must have over 600 settlers (you can see that in 'living quaters'), jover 100 first four ores (you can see that on ships screen) and over 10000 cash (on top bar).